Joshua Cooper

Joshua Cooper

Where are you originally from? 

Morganville, New Jersey


Who inspires you? 

My Grandpa Ben is my biggest inspiration. Without him, I would not have the music I have in my life that I love to play so much. He passed away when I was 5 years old, and I play the trumpet he passed down to me in his memory. 


What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

I love to play my trumpet. Currently, I am a member of Baltimore’s Marching Ravens and it’s the coolest thing I do. I love playing my trumpet and rooting on the Ravens during every home game. 


If you had your own talk show, who would be the first three guests you’d like to interview? 

Katie Couric, Michael Jordan, and Derek Jeter have each played a role in who I am as a person from storytelling to hard work and dedication at your craft. Listening to these people would be a dream come true. 


Do you have a secret talent or a hobby? 

I love visiting national parks across Maryland and anywhere I am in the country. My goal is to one day visit each park.  


What drew you to the field of PR and communications? 

My mother has been involved in this field throughout my life and I always remember being inspired by the work she did and still does today. In this field, there is always something new and exciting happening to write about.

Author : Wayne Schepens