Technology Habits from a Millennial in the Security Workforce


Since working in the security field, my habits when it comes to data security seem to be much more cautious than those of my millennial peers. Full disclosure here, I spend my days engulfed in a flurry of case studies, cautionary tales and warnings from various mediums detailing just how vulnerable information is in the digital age. That said, I recently started to notice a recurring theme amongst people in my social circle who are having breach drama of their own. It seems that regularly, my friends are having their credit card information stolen or their PC’s filled with Viruses because they had to download the latest app – which in turn, crashed their computer.

Ours is a generation where accessibility and instant access to anything and everything is the norm and expected; I would even wager to say ‘demanded’. Activities that correlate with this cultural shift include mobile online banking on a crowded subway, connecting to public Wi-Fi networks or downloading software without reading the user agreement. But this technology-demanding culture has also created a non secure culture. Millennials are not paying enough attention to the risks of their activity.

For example, a recent study by Software Advice shows that 85% of millennials say they reuse online passwords. Say you share your Netflix password with a friend. Before you know it, your friend’s mom’s boyfriend has your Netflix password which happens to be the same password you use for online banking and said boyfriend happens to be an unsavory fellow – Splendid!

It’s no wonder my peers who engage in this risky online behavior are getting hacked and I’m not. The solution is simple – maintain good cyber hygiene. Take a second to think about what you are doing on the Internet. Don’t click on the link emailed from a stranger, no matter how tempting, and avoid simple and easy to crack passwords. It’s important to protect your information and keep your guard up online. You never know who can make their way onto your system.

– Caroline Dobyns, Account Coordinator

Author : Matt Hampton